You’ve been going through the crazy portal of Kundalini awakening, with all the ups and downs, dark nights of the soul, trauma releasing, soul retrieval...
You’ve been going through it! And maybe there’s still more to go (it’s a path, not a destination), but you feel you’re ready to step into a deeper level of embodiment, as a guide for others.
You have great integrity, and you’re tired of the wellness industry knocking out trainings with people who haven’t yet integrated and embodied the wisdom before going out and teaching.
You’ve been to horribly run workshops where you came out feeling worse than when you came in, and you want to change this.
You want to be part of a new wave of leaders. Leaders who embody real integrity. Who understand the depth, need, and power of Kundalini awakening in this world. You feel called to be part of it, like it’s your destiny.
You know it’s not for the faint of heart. You’re someone who goes all the way into your shadows and alchemizes the F out of your pain.
You actually walk the talk. Now you’re ready to become an authentic Kundalini Master, so you can share this magic with the world.

Now you’re ready to take everything you’ve been through, all the pain you’ve navigated, all the mistakes along the way.
You’re ready to become an embodied healer. A beacon of light for others.
You’re ready to step into your power, to be the great spiritual leader you know you’re destined to be.
You’ve been through hell and back, and not only have you come out the other side, but you’re grateful for all it’s taught you.
You have so much wisdom to share with those around you because truly you've lived it.
You’re the embodiment of Divine Leadership, and your whole journey now has meaning.
It's time to support the massive awakening that's happening in the world.
Step into your Divine Leadership.
Become a Kundalini Master and share your gifts with the world
Be the spiritual leader you know you're meant to be.
Kundalini Embodiment Facilitator Training (KEM) supports you in empowering your gifts.

- Embody your ability to see, feel, and experience energy with subtle precision, understanding, and integrity, so that you can work with it in a way that’s in service of a greater good.
- Heal traumas within yourself (and the collective), regulate your nervous system, and gracefully alchemize emotions, which leads to greater health, vitality, youthfulness, and radiance.

- Amplify your intuition and spiritual gifts like clairvoyance, channeling, light language, mediumship, astral travel, telepathy, a direct connection with your Higher Self.
- Safely navigate the astral plane by understanding the language of energy, practicing psychic sovereignty, and holding healthy energetic boundaries.

- Awaken to yourself as God and merge that embodiment with a healthy expression of ego, so that you’re living in alignment with your truth and mission.
- Experience non-duality, which allows you to witness reality from a space of genuine non-judgement and freedom, so that energy can move through you with joy and nothing heavy sticks.

- Recognize yourself as the whole and empowered creator of your life, while also recognizing and empowering others in this way, so you take responsibility of your life and can create what you desire.
- Know the difference between the misuse of these powers vs. how to embody your gifts with genuine sovereignty, integrity, and love, which is in service of all.

- By healing yourself, you heal others. Even if it’s not your career, your embodiment is a transmission that naturally uplifts the people around you.
- You become a spiritual leader in your own fully aligned divine expression, so you feel confident and magnetic as your true self.

- Embody trauma-informed facilitation to hold spaces where you safely support people in their Kundalini awakening process.
- Once you embody Kundalini Mastery, you become certified as a Kundalini Embodiment facilitator where you become part of the elite Kundalini leaders and can confidently facilitate with embodied wisdom and integrity.
You understand the power and responsibility of Kundalini work. That’s why you want to master your energy, so you can teach with genuine embodied wisdom and integrity.
- You know deep down that you’re a healer, and you feel called to work with Kundalini energy, first by mastering it in yourself, then by supporting others through their process.
- You’ve already had a full or partial Kundalini awakening, and you want to stabilize your energy, so you can experience all the spiritual gifts of your Kundalini awakening in your daily life.
- You’re a spiritual person who isn’t sure about Kundalini, but you do shadow work, have access to your intuition, and feel deeply guided to be here.
- Your connection to energy makes you very sensitive to your environment, and want to hold healthy energetic boundaries so you stay in alignment with your Highest Timeline.
- You’ve already done a somatic training like KAP, breathwork, yoga, or any other somatic modality, and you want to step into a deeper level of embodiment, so you can teach from a space of real wisdom, integrity, and mastery.
NOTE: This program is not for spiritual newbies. However, if you’re a spiritual person who hasn’t had a Kundalini awakening yet, and you feel called to be here, you are most welcome to apply. Your intuition is trustworthy.

Elaina Ray
Spiritual Business Coach
“You can watch Lisa as she works where the energies are being transmuted through her and she’s not taking anything on. Nothing is leaking out into the space. Everything is being transmuted into the highest frequencies through pure Love. She has such gifts and has such a big heart and is such a pure channel… you’re going to feel long lasting effects and upgrades to your own abilities to conduct ritual, to tap into your spiritual gifts, and it’s going to clean out parts of you that have an effect for the rest of your life. I can’t recommend it enough.”
A few years ago, I was a coach, supporting people in intuitive eating, Tantra, and embodiment practices. Although I was embodied in my wisdom because I’d had a full Kundalini awakening on Ayahuasca back in 2015, my life was still a mess.
My Kundalini awakening wasn’t integrated, and I didn’t understand energy or energetic boundaries, so I wasn’t moving forward.
With my energy channels so open, I was highly sensitive to my environment, often taking on the energy from clients, friends, and my community. With all the leaky energy, my business was stagnant, I was also in and out of toxic relationships, and despite living a healthy lifestyle, I had chronic health issues.
I was also having “Kundalini symptoms” that I didn’t understand, like overwhelming waves of emotions, a fried nervous system, seeing visions, light language, shaking, burping, insomnia, etc... It was a lot.
Despite so much spiritual wisdom, my real-life experience was volatile.
I had enough, so I prayed for guidance and was synchronistically led to a healing session.
In the session, I dropped into a similar place as my original Kundalini awakening, but this time, I was grounded and clear. I could see the energy, I understood exactly what was happening, and I knew how to navigate it moving forward.
After that, I began doing Kundalini energy work on myself every day.
I healed my chronic health issues and allergies, stabilized my nervous system, alchemized traumas, and learned how to hold healthy energetic boundaries. My intuitive gifts blossomed, I connected with my guides and Higher Self, and I came into greater alignment in all areas my life.
Eventually, I got a clear message that I had reached a level of energetic mastery, and it was time to share it with the world.
Kundalini Embodiment was born.
Today, I live a deeply fulfilling life. It’s not perfect, but I know who I am, I understand energy, and I trust myself. I’m healthy, anchored in my mission, and my relationships are thriving.
Through Kundalini Embodiment, I support people to integrate their Kundalini awakening in a safe and empowered way, so they anchor their spiritual gifts, stabilize their nervous systems, hold healthy boundaries, and understand their energy with precision and integrity, so their lives feel more aligned and fulfilling.
Kundalini Embodiment is not just a practice. It’s a path to energetic mastery, so you embody your divinity and spread your gifts into the world.

Hannah Schultz
Priestess & Relationship Coach
“Lisa is a truly embodied mentor, woman, and priestess. Her leadership and space holding are both gentle and fierce, responding to the needs of the moment and directing the energy when it needs to shift (even when it’s not easy). Lisa is a rare gem — truly anchored in sovereignty and integrity, and it shows in the space that she holds.
Working with Lisa has activated my power and embodiment of my inner priestess like never before, but I never felt like it was coming from something she taught me or gave me. This work is all about finding the answers, the wisdom, the power within yourself and Lisa effortlessly embodies that truth in everything she does.
This training was everything I didn’t even know I needed. When we began, I was searching for an immersive training that would help me awaken the tantric codes I knew I held within me. I was looking for embodied wisdom, and also tools and practices I could take with me and offer to my clients. This journey has been all of that and more.
I have learned methods and practices guided by Lisa that have empowered my own self healing journey and offered me tools to add to my toolkit within my own offerings. But more importantly, I have awakened the inner priestess who is infinitely connected to her own tools and inner knowing — in constant communion with the divine.
Lisa’s style of holding space includes channelled and intuitive embodiment work, and through this process I have activated even deeper my own intuitive approach to holding space (for both myself and others).
Closing this container, I feel more rooted within myself than ever before. I feel deeply anchored in self trust. I feel capable of holding myself in all that life throws my way, finding trust and embracing it as all part of the divine. I feel empowered in my inner mystic, witch and priestess on a whole new level. I feel a deep sense of inner alignment and knowing that all I need is within me.
I have gained the embodied wisdom to confidently hold my clients through awakening to their pleasure, clearing blockages energetically, channelling inner wisdom, moving emotions through the body, clearing cords and past relationships, womb healing, ancestral and past life healing, accessing their power, reparenting their inner child, masculine and feminine dynamics and healing, and so so much more.
Thank you, Lisa, for the powerful space you hold and the important work you are doing. If you are looking for a mentor to help you remember, awaken and activate the priestess within, to embody tantra as a way of life, and to deepen into your power, purpose and truth: this is your sign.”
Kundalini Embodiment is a path of energetic mastery. You’re here to authentically embody the transmission so you can safely hold others through it.
*Once you click this button, you’ll be taken directly to the application. You’ll be asked a few questions and given the price. If you're the right fit for Kundalini Embodiment Mentorship (KEM), we'll reach out to you within 72 hours to discuss next steps for enrollment.
What’s the difference between Kundalini Embodiment and Kundalini Activation?
How long does it take to embody Kundalini mastery?
Will I be certified as a Kundalini Embodiment facilitator after this program?
Is there an option for advanced mentorship after the training?
Is the practicum part of the training program?
Does this training include a sacred substance journey?
We're creating a world that's both spiritual and deeply fulfilling. This is divinity embodied.

Rabia Khan
“Working with Lisa is like going through a spiritual transformation like nothing you’ve ever experienced in your life. It is journeying inward in a safe space that she creates, and it’s feeling unconditionally positively regarded at all times, supported, heard, understood, and encouraged. I was able to manifest falling in love with a totally integrated person… I was able to harness my sensual Tantric energy to powerfully make things happen and manifest things in my life that I never dreamed I could, including living the most deeply joy-filled, pleasure-filled, happy life that I didn’t conceive of before working with Lisa. I’ve fallen in love, I’m working the career of my dreams, and I’m living my best life… If you want to grow as a person, address traumas and fears that have been embedded in your psyche for decades and remove them in just a matter of a few sessions. I’m a therapist. I’ve devoted my life to healing people but couldn’t heal the parts of myself that Lisa helped me heal… the gains that I get for spiritual freedom and psychological healing are so profound… The growth in my life that I’m experiencing is infinite and unbounded.”
You’re a heart-led leader. It’s in your divine blueprint. Embody your mission.
EMBODY MY MISSION*Once you click this button, you’ll be taken directly to the application. You’ll be asked a few questions and given the price. If you're the right fit for Kundalini Embodiment Mentorship (KEM), we'll reach out to you within 72 hours to discuss next steps for enrollment.